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Morgantown Writers Group uses a 3-step critique process as a guide for reviewing and commenting on manuscript drafts. This ensures thoughtful and helpful feedback meant to strengthen all aspects of a submission; from big picture plot points down to typos in the text.

Before the meeting, read the manuscript and make notes using document tracking and comments or on a printed hardcopy. You may find it helpful to jot down a paragraph or two about what you liked and any suggestions you have for improvement to refer to during discussion.

Step 1– What is the story about? Whose story is it? Who is telling the story?

Step2 – What do you like best about the work and what are its strengths?

Step3 – What is one improvement or enhancement of the manuscript?

At the meeting, the author reads an excerpt aloud then cannot speak during the critique (except if questions are directed to them). Each step is addressed and discussed. Each speaker should focus on one topic and try not to repeat comments–unless expanding on a previous point.

During the critique you can expect to discuss: setting, characters, plot, flow, point of view, dialogue, and descriptive language, as well as the overall impression of the piece. After discussion is over, the author may ask for clarification on certain points or answer questions. Written notes are then passed or emailed to the author for their use and reference during editing.


When you join the group, you will receive an email containing the manuscripts to be reviewed. You can make notes using a word processing program or make handwritten ones, but whichever method you choose, you’ll be expected to print the manuscript and bring it to the meeting to give to the author after discussion. *Note: If attending by Zoom, you are expected to email your notes to the author after the meeting.

MWG writers use guidelines from an article, How To Deal With Critiquing By Rich Hamper. Our written notes are similar to the three steps we employ during discussion.

If you have an further questions regarding how to prepare written notes, feel free to contact us.